
The excavation, which began in September 2018, surveys the area taken by the southern Porticus. The plan of this monumental complex has been dated back to the mid-1st century BC but the ceramic material and some applications date back to an earlier period.

The research conducted in September 2018 made it possible to analyse a taberna, whose internal layout has been identified, and the southern space of the portico, the stratigraphy sequences of which had already been recognised in previous excavations.

The materials of the 2018 excavation and of the previous ones are stored in the stores of the Paestum Archaeological Museum.

Direzione scientifica: Prof. Emanuele Greco – Fondazione Paestum ONLUS

Staff: Federica Di Biase

Objective: precisare lo sviluppo planimetrico e organizzativo dell’area della Porticus meridionale durante le sue fasi d’uso e quelle precedenti al suo impianto.

Bibliography: E.Greco – D.Theodorescu (a cura di) 1983, Poseidonia-Paestum II. L’agora, Roma; E.Greco – D.Theodor 1994, “L’agora de Poseidonia: una mise au point”, in Comptes rendus des séances de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 138, 1, 227-238; R.De Gennaro – F.Longo 1997, “L’indagine archeologica alla Porticus meridionale: relazione preliminare (saggi 189 e 190)”, in Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome, Antiquité, 190, 1, 461-464; E.Greco – F.Longo (a cura di) 2000, Paestum Scavi, Studi, Ricerche, Bilancio di un decennio (1988-1998), Paestum.