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Stories from Paestum and Velia

Here is the collection of all the videos made at the Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia.
Scroll through our playlists and discover the history and archeology of the two main archaeological realities of the southern area of Campania. Do not miss the stories of the events, educational workshops, thematic visits, exhibitions and visits to the excavation and restoration sites.
What are you waiting for? Click on ‘PLAY’ on Paestum and Velia!

The health emergency has imposed major limitations on the use of places of culture, which is the reason why the Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia has put in place alternative solutions to continue making its most beautiful treasures known to the public. Watch the “Didactics for all” playlist and learn more about the themes of restoration and archaeological excavation, and visit with us the deposits and streets of the living quarters of Velia, all from home.

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“Paestum Viva” is a journey to discover the sounds and music of prehistoric times and antiquity. Together we will get to know musical instruments, prototypes, reconstructions and ethnographic finds from Prehistory, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman antiquity – including those depicted on the finds exhibited in the Museum of Paestum. We will travel from prehistoric times (with sound stones, whistles of seeds, in reed, in bone, the flute of eagle bone, trumpets and rattles of shells, rattles, scrapers, sound woods, musical strings) to the instruments of the antiquity: the cymbala , the crotala, the tympana, the sistri, the flutes, the auloi lyra and the mythical cithara.

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The stories of archeology kept us company in our first lockdown in the months from March to May: rediscover with the director, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, the main monuments of the archaeological area of Paestum. An exciting journey with the aim of making the archaeological site known from an internal perspective, that of those who live it every day. Here are insights, anecdotes, anticipations and curiosities contained in the #raccontidiarcheologia (#storiesofarcheology) with footage from excavations, the museum, offices and deposits. The director and all the employees talk about the days in Paestum after the Covid-19 emergency and what “extra” activities have been put in place in these days without visitors, such as the extraordinary cleaning of the showcases or the inspection of all the tools used in the museum rooms.

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