Teatro classico nell’area archeologica di Paestum
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30 maggio 2019 al Museo Convegno “Paestum nelle arti del XX secolo”
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Partono i lavori PON al Parco Archeologico di Paestum
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Conferenza Stampa di presentazione dei lavori PON
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Vola il biglietto annuale PaestumMia
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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Argonautica is a Series of Studies of the Paestum Archaeological Park to publish and disseminate research, conferences and stratigraphic excavations concerning Paestum, its region and its wider context. The Scientific Committee of the Paestum Archaeological Park has decided to create a series of studies, to be coordinated and curated by the Director of the institute pro tempore. In order to ensure the highest scientific quality, a board has been formed, consisting of international experts in archaeology, restoration of ancient monuments, history of architecture and art, to support the Archaeological park in managing publications.