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The Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia will be closed until March 5th.

The Paestum and Velia Archaeological Park periodically organises temporary exhibitions in the spaces of the Museum, also in cooperation with important Italian and international cultural Institutes and Bodies. The aim is to promote and spread the knowledge of its vast archaeological heritage, dealing from time to time with different topics that arouse considerable interest in the general public. At the same time, the Park loans the materials of its archaeological collections, as well as the items displayed in the rooms of the Museum and those kept in the stores, for national and international temporary exhibitions. Temporary loans are granted in compliance with the safety rules of the cultural asset and its state of preservation.

Suspended exhibitions

Current exhibitions

  • a cura di Nuvola Lista e Antonello Tolve. Torre 28 della cinta muraria di Paestum. durata | 17 settembre 2020 / 17 novembre 2020 orari d’apertura | tutti i giorni, dalle 10:00 alle 13:00 e dalle 15 alle 18:00 Ingresso incluso nel biglietto del Parco Archeologico di Paestum e Velia, nell’abbonamento Paestum & Velia e nella card Adotta un blocco.   Il MMMAC | Museo Materiali Minimi d’Arte Contemporanea, in collaborazione con il Parco Archeologico di Paestum e Velia, con il sostegno economico della Regione Campania e il patrocinio del Comune di Capaccio Paestum, presenta Gillo Dorfles. La sua Paestum, un'importante mostra che raccoglie cento opere dell'artista tra materiali

Exhibitions in progress

Exhibitions ended